What Does Success Mean To You?

He achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much; Who has enjoyed the trust of pure women, the respect of intelligent men and the love of little children; Who has filled his niche and accomplished his task; Who has never lacked appreciation of Earth's beauty or failed to express it; Who has left the world better than he found it, Whether an improved poppy, a perfect poem, or a rescued soul; Who has always looked for the best in others and given them the best he had; Whose life was an inspiration; Whose memory a benediction.

  • Bessie Anderson Stanley (1904)

Secondly, by asking what success means to you, the interviewer might want to gain psychological insights about you and your underlying value system. Essentially, asking you to define success is a work ethic question intended to learn more about your motivation and your measurement system.

What Does Success Mean To You Answer

Two weeks ago, my father-in-law passed away. It came as a shock to all of us. In some ways, I think we’re all still trying to get our heads and hearts wrapped around it. As Tony and I have been talking about him over these last days, this poem has continued to come to mind. While most of you know the abbreviated version, “Live well; laugh often; love much” or what I call the cliff notes version, “Live, laugh, love,” I think it is only in reading the entire poem that we come to fully appreciate the depth, richness, and complexity, of a human life.

  1. Sometimes your most notable achievements, like becoming an executive or finally making a considerable profit on a startup business, are the easiest to focus on. However, you may also define success as short-term wins, like reaching daily, weekly and monthly goals.
  2. The more specific your answers are to these questions, the more focus you have in achieving that part of success. Saying: “What really matters to me is happiness” will not be enough. If you can’t see clearly, you won’t really know what that means, or what you’re doing or where you’re going. The same is true of your vision of success.

The truth is that each of us has gifts that we can bring to the world. One of my father-in-law’s gifts was to “rescue souls.” Whether he was adopting a rescue animal, championing an underdog, or making sure I knew I still had a dad I could count on when my own father passed away 22 years ago, he put his whole heart into making each of us feel cherished. Over the past few days, we’ve heard such great stories from nieces and nephews, kids on the baseball teams he coached, colleagues, friends, and more, about the acts of kindness that made another’s day just a bit better.

What does success, or a life well-lived, mean to you? Do you know what your gifts are and are you stepping into them? Taking some time to reflect on these questions can help you ground yourself in your values, motivations, and priorities. It also allows you to look at those areas in your life where you are aligned with that vision and those areas that may need a bit of recalibrating. And those gaps that you find? Well, they aren’t a reason to blame or shame yourself. They are simply a chance to course-correct. Each day, each interaction is an opportunity to try again.

What does it mean to be a great leader? While some can agree on a few generalized ideals, such as setting aside your ego to empower others to find success, there is no one right definition. Too often, experts are quick to share their thoughts and opinions on how to be a great leader. It’s a big business – Amazon has over 60,000 books on leadership! Becoming a great leader isn’t necessarily something that’s learned from a book. It requires more than a simple checklist of tasks. Instead, it takes innovation and creativity to raise a person’s performance to a higher level. Leaders inspire and unify individuals under a clear vision and goal. Authors and motivational speakers are quick to tell you what leadership means. However, to truly understand what distinguishes leaders from followers, you must look within yourself.

Leadership doesn’t come from your position

Being in a position of leadership doesn’t make you a leader. It has nothing to do with your role, job title, or seniority. And it doesn’t matter your place in the organizational structure of a business or where you stand within your community. If you can help others to push beyond their capabilities and achieve great things, you’re a leader. A leader doesn’t focus on power. Instead, their focus is on relationships. Leadership is about connecting with people from different backgrounds, motivations, and ways of thinking. Even if you don’t have a staff or a team reporting to you, it’s still possible to be a leader by influencing others.


Leadership needs innovation

What Does Success Mean To You Quotes

Going with the flow doesn’t generally get you anywhere. If you only do what’s always been done, how can you expect to make any progress? Instead of settling for what might be good enough, challenge the results and push for something better. Creating a better future requires innovative solutions. Real innovation requires having the vision to see the possibilities without limits. If you desire change and can encourage others to explore new possibilities, you’re on the right track.

Leadership isn’t about you

What Does Success Mean To You?

True leaders strive to elevate others on their journey. Ego and pride can get in the way of letting other people have their moment in the spotlight. If this is a challenge, you must learn how to drop your ego, personal agenda, and desire for praise. As a leader, empowering people and aligning them with opportunities for success is your greatest strength. It doesn’t have anything to do with a specific character trait. You don’t even have to be liked as a person to lead others. What does matter is going beyond your limited abilities and allowing others to step in and carry the torch. To empower others, look outside of your personal achievements. Invite others on the journey to create something greater than what’s available right now. Focusing on the possibilities can bring you closer to the vision.

What Does Success Mean To You Interview

Leadership comes from the heart

What Does Success Mean To You Reddit

Not all leaders are born with the gift. Some can develop the skills and leverage their abilities along the way. Primarily, it comes from the heart. If you have a passion for achieving great things by unlocking the potential of people around you, it can be done.

It takes the mindset of a servant to empower others selflessly. It takes strategy and results-oriented thought. And it takes a desire to achieve miraculous change without actively seeking any reward for it. If you’re looking to grow your leadership skills, here are a few traits to keep in mind.

What Does Success Mean To You How Do You Measure It

  • Integrity – Being honest and upright is an important attribute. It leads to credibility, and that attracts the trust of others. Having consistency in your actions, morals, expectations, and outcomes verify the quality of your character.
  • Problem-solving – It’s okay if you don’t always have the answers. Even if you think you know the solution, it’s better to guide a person to the answer rather than solving the problem for them. Equipping people with the right tools sharpens their skills and empowers them to grow.
  • Attitude – Having a positive outlook isn’t always easy. Your attitude sets the tone for everyone around you and can impact the level of results your team achieves. Focusing on passion and enthusiasm in the direst situations can inspire others to do the same.

What Does Success Mean To You Answer

It’s a great art to lead others to make positive changes. To develop the potential for leadership or to grow your skills as a leader, keep in mind that it isn’t about titles. Instead, it’s about attracting followers. People are your most valuable asset. Mastering the skills necessary to attract and develop those around you takes practice. It takes a passion and strength that can only come from the heart.