Cybersmart Education No Vidseffective Curriculum Ideas

What does it mean to be a lifelong learner? I consider myself a lifelong learner in that my education didn’t just stop at the traditional idea of schooling. Lifelong education continues well beyond the notion of formal schooling. It is diverse, flexible, occurs in different places, and ensures that engagement in learning happens across a lifetime. 21st Century educators should encourage their students to be lifelong learners and technology provides a platform for this to transpire (Howell, 2012). This will give students the skills and knowledge to live in a global world, by communicating with others, by taking the initiative and by adapting to their environment to work collaboratively and to resolve conflicts (Lifelong learning council Queensland, 2014). The benefits of lifelong learning are unlimited (Howell, 2012).


Cybersmart Education Programs & Policies (including user agreements that clearly define when and where social networking tools can be used). Decisions on whether students use their real Facebook or Twitter accounts or set up special school-based accounts must be discussed. CyberSmart Education (USA) is an international leader in customized content development and online professional development to foster digital age literacy skills. The CyberSmart Curriculum is a free collection of sixty-five original, standards-based lesson plans with activity sheets. Each of the five units teaches one of five components of Internet use whose titles add up to the acronym, S.M.A.R.T (Safety, Manners, Advertising, Research, and Technology). By no means a career interest inventory, it does help younger students (geared towards grades 4-8) see how activities they enjoy could lead them to a potential career option. 'On the kids' site, wording and labor market concepts have been simplified and some statistical detail has been eliminated.

Cybersmart Education No Vidseffective Curriculum IdeasCybersmart education no vidseffective curriculum ideas economicas

Education is no longer a simple transfer of knowledge from the teacher to the student about a particular topic. It is about how students get to the point where they understand and master learning. Students should be encouraged to continue learning beyond the school gates and to achieve their personal goals, to become global citizens, to be employable and to have the ability to adapt to change (Lifelong learning council Queensland, 2014).


Connect Community. (2012). Lifelong learning [image]. Retrieved from

Howell, J. (2012). Teaching with ICT: Digital pedagogies for collaboration and creativity. South Melbourne, Vic: Oxford University Press.

Cybersmart Education No Vidseffective Curriculum Ideas Preschool

Cybersmart Education No Vidseffective Curriculum Ideas

Lifelong learning council Queensland (2014). What is lifelong learning? Retrieved from

Tidewater Community College. (2014). Lifelong learning [image]. Retrieved from

Cybersmart Education No Vidseffective Curriculum Ideas Examples

Norwhich City Unison. (n.d.). L Plates lifelong learning [image]. Retrieved from