Resilience theory, although it has been evolving over the past 70-80 years, has enjoyed a renaissance in the past two or three decades. What started as an enquiry into the childhood roots of resilience has grown into a broad, dynamic and exciting. The Marshall Project is collecting data on COVID-19 infections in state and federal prisons. See how the virus has affected correctional facilities where you live. The Mac Humanitarian Project (MHP) was founded by and is run by Macdonald High School graduating students. Macdonald High School is located on the Western tip of Montreal Island. The goals of the programs are simple, that is to generate a movement of young Canadians who will become responsible global citizens. Humanitarian Missions Project HOPE was founded on the willingness of doctors, nurses and other medical volunteers to travel the globe on a floating hospital ship – the SS HOPE- to provide medical care, health education and humanitarian assistance to people in need. A total of $244 million was raised during 2019 for the humanitarian interventions, included in the oPt Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP). While this represents almost 70 per cent of the $351 million requested (the second highest rate in a decade), in absolute terms it marks the lowest amount raised during the 2010-2019 period for the oPt.
HUMANITARIAN OUTREACH MINISTRY, founded by AV Chacko, exists to address the humanitarian needs of people in the United States as well as people in the Indian subcontinent, Kuwait, and Malaysia.
Master’s Ministries and Masters Ministry India, extensions of HUMANITARIAN OUTREACH MINISTRY, are responsible for founding and maintaining Bright Angels Children’s Homes, which has grown into a home for boys as well as a home for girls, who have been abandoned by their families.
Master’s Ministries and Masters Ministry India is also responsible for initiating free medical camps to minister to those in need medically, providing medical care and medicines to those in desperate need. This is facilitated through the churches of Masters Ministry India.
Currently, under Masters Ministry India, there is a hospital under construction being built to minister to those in the region of the foothills of the Himalaya Mountains where the hospital is located.
Mac Humanitarian Project Home Improvement
Additionally through Masters Ministry India, schools have been built to teach the children to prepare them for their futures by teaching them a trade, as well as giving them hope for the future.
Another outreach of Master’s Ministries, is the work of finding and rescuing young boys who have been taken captive for child labor and also girls who have been taken captive for the sex-trafficking trade.
HUMANITARIAN OUTREACH MINISTRY and Master’s Ministries/Masters Ministry for India continue to grow to address the humanitarian needs of people in India and to bring them hope through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Many churches have been planted through the outreach work of Masters Ministry India.
In the United States, HUMANITARIAN OUTREACH MINISTRY was originally founded as a humanitarian ministry to rescue homeless men. Through Ichthus Vocational Rehabilitation Program, HUMANITARIAN OUTREACH MINISTRY ministered to many alcoholics and drug addicts. Many of these surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ and are now tax-paying productive people leading clean and restored lives. HUMANITARIAN OUTREACH MINISTRY continues to grow in regards to home groups, where the Word of God is taught and Intercessory Prayer is an ongoing ministry, not only for our immediate surroundings here in the United States, but around the world, as well.
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We ask you to become part of this ministry through your prayer and financial support, to the glory of Almighty God.