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The perfect companion to The Purpose Driven Life! Features include Scriptures and quotes by Rick Warren, taken from the bestselling trade book, plus space to record reflections, prayers, and goals while seeking God’s plans for life.
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As founding pastor of Saddleback Church, Dr. Rick Warren leads a 30,000 member congregation in California with campuses in major cities around the world. As a theologian, he has lectured at Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, University of Judaism, and dozens of universities and seminaries. As a global strategist he advises world leaders and has spoken to the United Nations, US Congress, Davos Economic Forum, TED, Aspen Institute, and numerous parliaments. Rick has also founded the global P.E.A.C.E. plan, which Plants churches of reconciliation, Equips leaders, Assists the poor, Cares for the sick, and Educates the next generation in 196 countries. SPANISH BIO: Rick Warren es pastor, estratega global, teologo y filantropo. Los medios le llaman ‘El lider espiritual mas influyente de America’ y ‘El pastor de America’. el y su esposa, Kay, fundaron la Iglesia Saddleback en California, una propiedad de 120 acres con mas de 300 ministerios comunitarios de ayuda a prisioneros, adictos y padres solteros, entre otros. Como estratega global, el Dr. Warren asesora a lideres en sectores publicos, privados y religiosos en temas de pobreza, salud, educacion, la fe en la cultura y desarrollo de liderazgo. Es invitado a dictar conferencias en congresos y agencias estatales como las Naciones Unidas y es catedratico en diferentes universidades. El Dr. Warren es autor de varios libros, incluyendo el exito de ventas Vida con Proposito.