Witches, Goblins, & Monsterselementary P.e. Games

It’s that time of the year again Time to be careful of the witches, goblins, ghouls, and criminals. More Crimes Happen on Halloween. Are you aware that across the nation, on average, more crimes happen on Halloween than any other day during the year? Goblins are small humanoid creatures found near villages or in the wild. They group themselves in bands and are accepted as sentient despite savage behavior. They are similar to kobolds but form separate race. A distinct sub-race of goblins known as leprechauns inhabits Brokilon forest. 1 Appearance 2 Culture 2.1 Reception by other races 3 Personality 4 History 5 Trivia 6 References Goblins. Goblins eat Giants Giants eat Witches. Prior to starting the activity the teams must decide what sounds and actions each of the characters would make, say the following ‘So, starting with Witches, what action and sound would they make?’ (Starting the activity in this way creates a positive mood immediately and makes things go really well).

Witches, goblins, and ghouls (they're all coming after you)
you better run and hide (when u still got a chance to survive)
you'll never who know will end up dead or alive…
Witches flying on their brooms, mummies coming out of their tombs, werewolves howling at the moon, vampires coming out of their coffins, zombies climbing out of their graves, ghouls hiding in their spooky caves.., .
Witches, goblins, and ghouls (they're all coming after you)
you better run and hide (before you're the last one to die)
Witches at their cauldrons, mummies using curses, werewolves hunting in their packs, vampires changing into bats, zombies eatin brains, monsters are going crazy,
ghouls and ghosts making havoc, creatures and freaks causing disasters, monsters and beasts causing chaos and shall have you all as their gourmet feasts
Witches, goblins, and ghouls all prepare for the bloody fight
they're all coming after you (oh right)
you better run and hide (cuz you're in for a fright)
Because u better find the light

Witches Goblins And Ghosts

Witches, goblins, and ghouls (they're all coming after you)
you better run and hide (when u still got a chance to survive)
you'll never who know will end up dead or alive…
Witches flying on their brooms, mummies coming out of their tombs, werewolves howling at the moon, vampires coming out of their coffins, zombies climbing out of their graves, ghouls hiding in their spooky caves.., .
Witches, goblins, and ghouls (they're all coming after you)
you better run and hide (before you're the last one to die)
Witches at their cauldrons, mummies using curses, werewolves hunting in their packs, vampires changing into bats, zombies eatin brains, monsters are going crazy,
ghouls and ghosts making havoc, creatures and freaks causing disasters, monsters and beasts causing chaos and shall have you all as their gourmet feasts
Witches, goblins, and ghouls all prepare for the bloody fight
they're all coming after you (oh right)
you better run and hide (cuz you're in for a fright)
Because u better find the light